Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Music to My Ears...

The sound of dial-up. I never thought I'd say that, but its true! I finally feel connected to the world again! Me and my five channels were about to have enough of each other.

Things here are fine. A little slow getting started, but I'm ok with that. It's good to get acclimated slowly. I still don't have a car and little cash, so I'm fairly limited on where I can go and what I can do. My house is super small, but it's just about right for just me. They've loaded in the furniture, so I've been trying to find an arrangement that works. There's a total of five rooms--a very nice-size kitchen, a "lounge" (living room) downstairs. Upstairs is a 6x6 "study", a bathroom with the funniest shower, and my bedroom (its pink--yes, laugh it up). The shower is hilarious--most bathrooms over here aren't equipped with showers as we would think of them. Most people still take baths. So to accommodate, they've installed an electric shower--to start the water, I push a button. To stop the water, I push the same button. The shower curtain does not go the lenght of the tub, but just surrounds the first half. I'll post pictures later when I'm on broadband.

I'm within a minute's walk of the "square" where there's a pub (the otter), a chinese take-away, a fish and chips shop, an "express" supermarket (good variety, five isles), and one of my churches. I walked to church on Sunday--it was great!

I've seen all four of my churches and been inside three of them. They're all quite small, except the one that meets with the Anglican church--its a nice size, except it needs some serious work.

Norwich seems to be a pretty nice city. The population is about 125,000. There's a castle and a cathedral in the city centre (downtown). I've been in the cathedral--eat your heart out duke chapel! Parts of this thing were built in the 11th century! I could spend hours there. Its absolutely beautiful. I'm hoping they have an All Saints service there--that would be unreal!

Like I said, I'll get pictures posted as soon as I get broadband, which should be within the next couple of weeks. Until then, my usage will be fairly limited b/c all phone calls cost by the minute. Thanks to everybody who sent emails and good wishes! Post your comments!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

take-away? i assume that is like take-out, but british. i look forward to seeing what occurs when a midwestern accent spends three years in the south, then a year in england. that will probably be much funnier than the pink bedroom, though not by much.

Thu Aug 18, 01:47:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sarah, good to hear you're settling in. One of my favorite parts of England was getting to see the old cathedrals and churches. You get a whole new concept of old once you're over there. Hope you don't have nightmares about waking up in a bottle of pepto bismol!


Thu Aug 18, 02:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have read through your blog. I'm similar to Frank C in that this is all new to me. I can't believe your bedroom is PINK!!!! Don't get lost in the study. I'm anxious to check out the shower - sounds interesting!?!

Lots of Love, MOM

Thu Aug 18, 11:26:00 PM  
Blogger Steve said...

Glad to hear you're settling in well. Perhaps you should tell us how exciting it is to push the shower on and push it off. (Does it make a little whrrrr sound?) Can't wait for the pictures (or to visit!)!

Fri Aug 19, 05:01:00 AM  

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