Sunday, June 11, 2006

World Cup

Many apologies for my extended absence. I blame moving house. Yes, I have moved! It's so nice to be in a house instead of a hole-in-the-wall. Once I get my couch and all is in its place, I'll post some pics. Suffice it to say, I think I'm living better than my parents at this point. :)

It's always interesting to observe world events from a new place. Even stranger when the events are competetive in nature. In this case, in case the news hadn't made it to the US, the World Cup (soccer anyone?) began on Friday. The news has most definitely made it fact that's anybody's been talking about for the last month. They've been counting down over here for six weeks. Football is the nation's favorite sport, so I'm told. They absolutely love it! So, you add that to the fact that 40 years ago, England won the World Cup. Television programs, news segments, you name it...they've been reliving World Cup history. It seems as if they're either worried that the nation will forget or perhaps they think the more the mention England's success, the better vibes they send out and the better England's chance of winning. England flags (St. George's Cross, not the Union Jack) are everywhere...hanging outside people's homes, flying on their cars, I even saw a guy in an St. George's suit the other night on tv. In a country where flag waving isn't necessarily the norm, the new abundance is quite noticible.

Yesterday, when England played, the normally very busy street in front of my house saw very little traffic. In case you missed it, England won 1-0. They played Paraguay and scored at the 2:44 mark (pretty early in the match). Funny thing, though, it was actually headed in by a Paraguay player. I didn't watch the whole thing, but apparently it all went downhill from there. England didn't play well and some folks are pretty disappointed in their effort. They get to try again on Thursday at 4:15pm, playing Trinidad & Tobago.

In case you were wondering, the US did make the World Cup and they'll be playing on Monday at 5:00 local time (noon Eastern, 11am Central). I'm sure you'll all be pulling a sickie from work to watch the game!


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