Saturday, September 24, 2005

Fellowship of the Saints

I've just survived my first Safari Supper (or Progressive Dinner as we Americans like to call it). We started at the Drayton Church for "starters" (appetizers) of melon, orange juice, and pate (I had orange juice and melon). We then went to the Horsford Church for the main course--we could choose from some sort of chicken dish, meat or vegetable lasagna, or chili. I was interested to see what English chili was like, so took that. It wasn't bad. It had good flavor. It was thicker than some chilis we might have (at least thicker than mom's) and they served it with rice. We ended up at Horsham-St. Faiths for "puddings" (dessert) for which this congregation is particularly well-known. They like to do things with fruit. There wasn't any chocolate to be had. I survived. Then, in good English fashion, we ended the evening with cheese (leicester, brie, cheddar, and some others that looked like cheese...but I don't know what kind) and biscuits (crackers). Apparently a member of Trinity Church likes to sing in the pubs now and again, so he serenaded us (not very well) with what appeared to be classics...most of which I didn't know...but everybody else enjoyed singing along! It was quite the pleasant evening. Except, now I'm in charge of the next section supper--Thanksgiving! Ummm....right. How do I use my American recipes (in cups, teaspoons, and farenheit) to cook in England (with grams, pints, and celsius)?? Mom, you'd better send the recipes now, so I can start my conversions! Everybody else, send some ideas of traditional Thanksgiving fare--so far I've got Turkey, Ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing/dressing, some sweet potato dish (candied yams or the soufle) a green vegetable (probably green beans), cranberry sauce with Pumpkin and Pecan pies for dessert. I might even tape a football game and put it on for the sake of authenticity.

Otherwise this week has been fairly uneventful. I almost went a few rounds with the head teacher at one of the local schools, but decided against it for now. She's very stubborn and completely unreasonable. I've come up with a few ideas for revenge (she was very unpleasant), but I think those will probably remain in the realm of ideas instead of actions. Doing the Christian thing always gets in the way of the fun (or spiteful) things!

Oh, and I survived my first Circuit Meeting (it only lasted 2 1/2 hours)! Luckily, the circuit doesn't meet very often...the next one isn't until after the first of the year. But boy, were those pews uncomfortable!

I already have several meetings and visits scheduled for this next week....then the week after that will be horendous! Church Council season has started...and I have four churches, plus one church that has two meetings (at the joint Methodist-Anglican church, each congregation has its own council meeting and then they also have a joint one).

I hope you all are well. Many thanks for your continued prayers and support!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you need help with the conversions, just ask!! :-) At least the metric part!
Kisses, Pedro.

Mon Sep 26, 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should record a football game and play it, even its from last year. sounds like everything is going good so far over there i hope it stays that way for you. but lets see if i can kick some butt his weekend :-D

Wed Sep 28, 04:45:00 AM  

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